IT Support Services
The right people.
The right skills.
We provide specialized and skilled personnel that will amplify your capabilities. Our approach to IT support services may seem traditional. But it’s not. We just find it the best way to create new solutions to help you improve end-to-end responsiveness, drive workplace productivity, and maximize your technology investments in these practice areas:
- Storage Solutions
- Network Optimization
- Documentation Maintenance
- Network Security Validation/Enhancements
- Operating System Upgrades
- Systems Migration
- Healthcare IT Operations
Armed to innovate.
We specialize in working with niche and emerging technologies and vendors to add features and services to existing products. We’re here to meet your demands for smart innovation and forward-thinking capabilities. Our experience includes supporting:
- Anti-Terrorism and Force Protection
- Unified Communications
- WAN Optimization
- Incident Response Management Solutions
- Converged Architectures
- Cloud FedRamp IL 4

Staff Augmentation
Organizations like yours are faced with the challenge of driving value every day in an IT environment that refuses to settle. You need staff that’s current, agile, and understands the customer mission, their users, and the unique constraints and environments in which they operate. We bring in the best to augment your staff in these areas:
- Information Assurance/Cyber Security
- Identity and Access Management (IdAM)
- Data Analytics and Data Management
- Datacenter Facilities Support
Critical Infrastructure
Our core services focus on integrated solutions designed to enhance the performance of your mission. By incorporating industry best practices into your business processes and management strategies, we can help you stay ahead of the trends and better serve your customers. Our Critical Infrastructure Services include:
- Preventive maintenance services
- Emergency response services

A Center for Training Excellence centered on you.
Led by an experienced trainer and professional instructor, we provide targeted and timely on-site, classroom, and online training for employees. Our programs are fully compliant with all Federal Agencies’ IT certifications (Oracle, Microsoft, etc.) and qualifications. We provide upgraded software and new equipment training with formal training records accountability and management.
- Logistics Support for Naval Facilities Command: Amnesty Inventory Pilot
- Data Center Maintenance for Commander, Naval Information Force Reserve
- Afghanistan Student Management Office Support Services for the US Air Force Education Command